At Happy Tails Pet Supplies we love to share helpful information for you to consider. As we turned the page on a new year, many of you welcomed a new furry kid into your home. Along with that came an increase in questions about "what to feed my pet?" In short, we would love to help you pick the right food for your new puppy/kitten OR adult pet. Regardless of brand we like to promote the benefits of a rotational diet. Take a quick read below and know that although we are showing some examples of FROMM (because their GOLD line has easy to identify counterparts with different proteins), you can actually practice rotational feeding using ANY OF OUR HIGH QUALITY FOOD BRANDS.
We recommend changing proteins every 2-3 monthly ideally, but at least every 6 months for sure. You can even change between our great brands at times throughout your pets life.
Come visit us and check out all the different meat choices we have that can help your pet not only enjoy their meals more, but also may help improve their overall health throughout their lifetime!
Caledonia - 5200 Douglas Ave.
Franklin - 7720 S. Lovers Lane Rd. (in parking lot of Target)
Hales Corners - 5614 S. 108th St (in parking lot of Festival Foods)